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  • The Rise Of Canadian Healthcare System

    Population’s standard of living and healthcare level are the key indicators of state’s success. Canadian healthcare, boasting a reputation of one of the most accessible systems around the globe, doesn’t stand out from the crowd with long history. All the major events took after the Second World War. Until 1867, before Canadian Confederation was formed, healthcare services provision was a prerogative of private enterprises. Patients had no other option but to cover healthcare expenses on their own, and not every citizen could afford the luxury of professional treatment.

    The Rise Of Canadian Healthcare System

    Parishes, various religious and community groups were the main providers of healthcare services. The course of action was maintained until 1920, when healthcare was managed by Catholic Church, and such as organizations Salvation Army. However, the efforts largely had a narrow local character. Deprived of access to quality healthcare for a long time remained remote northern regions inhabited mostly by indigenous peoples Indians and Eskimos.

    Prerequisites for the changes

    From 1920 to 1960, Canada, has stepped into the era of industrialization, accompanied by the lightning-speed growth of cities, and the government’s role as for building healthcare and social welfare systems has increased. This helped to survive the Great Depression, however, nevertheless, private medicine prevailed in the country until mid-40s. In 1947, with the introduction of public hospital services in Saskatchewan, the tradition of the transition to universal health insurance, financed by the state was born. In 1956, public insurance of hospital services has been introduced in all provinces and regions. Later, it also affected the scope of outpatient medical services.

    Specificity of Canadian health and care lies in the fact that considerable powers are concentrated in the hands of the provincial governments. The federal government in most cases acts as a main vector originating and directing certain trends, reasonable to be applied nationwide.

    The first seeds of evolution

    From 60s to 80s, the state has paid more attention to ensure social protection of their citizens. In 1968 the federal government passed a law about equal division of the costs of providing medical assistance to the population between the federal and provincial governments. And in 1972, the system of public security in the provinces and territories of Canada began to cover the costs of basic health services, including in-patient treatment. Thus a national health insurance system was created, which utilizes non-profit public organizations and NGOs as an essential element of communication of public authorities and the population.

    Another Canada’s specificity is a huge amount of public organizations actively involved in the implementation of health policy at the local level, implementing health care, providing social support, being engaged in the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the solution of environmental problems. The management chain has the following structure: Federal Government Ministry of Health provincial/territorial government regional health management, whose main task is direct control over the provision of health care services delivered by public and private organizations.

    Heralding the new era

    new era

    Basic principles of medical care in Canada fall within the Act on Health, adopted the law carried into effect in 1984,and heralding the principles of universality, accessibility,comprehensiveness and control of healthcare. Health care costs are covered from taxes collected from the population. Canadian people can be proud of a nicely-developed and well-organized system of hospitals. In addition, the country has established a wide network of medical centers that combine medical and preventive work with learning the basics of healthy way of life of the population.

    These hospitals take advantage of government subsidizing under a variety of programs. More than 95% of all Canadian hospitals operate as private non-profit organizations. Along with these organizations Canadians can also resort to private healthcare enterprises. The system of medical services provision relies mainly on primary care physicians. General healthcare services are provided at medical offices or clinics. The system of family healthcare and family physicians deserves special attention due to its development.

    Family specialists represent intermediaries between the patient and the health care system, and provide guidance and connection with the most demanded services. Although Canadians have to cover drug expenses on their own Canadian Medications online are widely accessible at such shops as Canadian Health Care Mall, also known Canadian Health and Care Shop/Store www.healthandcaremall.com; so there are no problems with getting quality, cost-efficient medications in the country.